His friends include Funtime Freddy, a not-too-bright chicken loving bear who is also of the "Funtime" models and commonly tries to blow things up or set them on fire, Puppet, a black and white lanky marionette who favors science and also tends to destroy things, mainly Freddy's things, Ballora, a blue and white ballerina who can be a bit over-the-top and tends to act very differently from everyone else, Baby, a red and white humanoid animatronic who likes games and is mostly in charge of the location, Circus Baby's Pizza World, Bon Bon, a small blue bunny hand-puppet that likes magic and constantly performs magical experiments and wacky tests, and Lolbit, a purple, yellow, and white foxy with similar looks to Funtime Foxy who is also the girlfriend of Funtime Foxy. The show features Funtime Foxy, a white and pink animatronic foxy of the "Funtime" model.